Just thoughts...
Words which not come out of the heart,
never to touch a heart...
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Love is like a dropp of water in a bleak desert,
or is a candle in a dark room,
or its an illusion to whom they don`t know about it...
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Just four whom they think that they own every thing,
kings, thieves, wolfs and your wife...
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Whom they in love, they never excite a pity to anyone,
because they choose this fate by their own-selves...
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Love is the only emotion which never cares,
about the present nor a future,
only cares about the time which it in....
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Husband is like a government, never to confess to his faults,
and a wife is like a nation, never to accept any thing...
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all young hearts are a strong hearts,
there is no strongest than a youngest love...
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Today: is yesterday, which you been so worry about,
so did that deserve to be worry about..? ? ?
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The best mirror is an honest friend,
and the best friend is a best giver, not a taker...
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Seems that there is no heaven on this earth...
i think the heaven comes after you got your peace...
and you got it after you got dead...
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by: hazem02@yahoo.com
hazem al jaber