Theodora (Theo) Onken - No More Rain

2014-11-07 1

It started with random ramblings
So alone i would talk to the wall
My body giving in to wear and tear
And from my eyes the tears would fall

Open and closed i am forever
A castaway thrown into a garbage can
No longer a full functioning humanoid
But one who finds it difficult to even stand

They say disabled covers many areas
And you know i never did understand
Until the reality and it's painful knowledge
Hit me in the face like a frying pan

It seems that God is wanting me sooner?
Sooner than later it seems
And well, i'm not afraid of the hereafter
But I am going to miss all my dreams

You know the ones that make you smile?
At the sheer joy of being alive
To walk the earth of God's rebirth
For all the good things in life we strive

I will not miss the handicap
Nor will i miss the chronic pain
It's made me a wee bit tougher
But most of all, I will miss the rain

Theodora (Theo) Onken