Put those leaves back on your branches,
It is not getting any warmer out here.
The colder weather is coming,
But yet you are bare.
Put those leaves back on your branches,
I do not want to have to come over there.
You sit all nice and neat simply humming,
Without a care.
Put those leaves back on your branches,
It is not something you need to share.
The colder weather is coming,
It is in the air.
Put those leaves back on your branches,
Listen to me, this I declare:
You are a skank in the making!
It adds no flair.
Put those leaves back on your branches,
This is my final plea here.
Why is it that you continue stripping?
Are you not aware?
Those leaves are doing no good on the ground,
And yet you continue to astound.
I will not ask again:
My plea, my prayer-amen.
Amanda May Moore