My younger sister told me that
(of the two of us she was always the brighter)
'...that the man puts his thing
into the woman's thing 'n'...'
I said: 'No could it be so! '
'I stupid can you get! '
'Why. . .! '
(I informed her with an elderly brotherly tone)
'...would he want to do such a thing...mmmmmm? '
'And why...! '
(and this was the clincher)
'...would she let him? '
'Hmmmmmm. . .hmmmmmm! '
I rested my case and smiled smugly
at an invisible judge and jury.
She defended her information tigerishly:
'I don't know...
...but I know what I know! '
I dragged her to Mam & Dad
(surely if anyone should know they would know)
and said: 'She says...! '
I explained the whole lucicrous situation to them.
'Tell her...! ' I told them.
'Tell isn't so! '
My Dad said: 'Ah well now, son...ya know...? '
I cried: 'No! '
& ran away & hid!
Gradually over the years I
grew accustomed to
the concept of it.
Until now
I quite fancy it!
And see...
the method in the madness!
Dónall Dempsey