I ask you one thing
as you my read poems
or any others
open your mind
do not judge
for you never know what a person has been through
unless you have walked in their shoes
seen the world through thier eyes
felt the pain they have felt
walked the roads they have travelld
so is that not fair
for once in ones life
do not judge
poetry is a way of expression
a way to keep living
a way to deal with things
things people should not have to deal with
poetry means something different to every poet
for me it is a way of coping
it is my way of life
so is it not fair
for me to ask you not to judge
my way of life
my way of dealing with pain you have never felt
I believe it is
so as you read
bit your tongue
shut your mouth
and take heed
learn from that which you read
Scarlet .....