I live my life squeezed between The Weakest Link,
Father Ted, spiced by the Thin Blue Line and Top
Gear every Wednesday Night, and yawning till
my eyes water in my office every day, what a terrible
way to spend my days on this earth, the only thing
that keeps me from going insane is Soul Music by
Terry Pratchett, where the background microwave heat
left by the original Big Bang right at the beginning
of time is replaced by Music - more specifically
by an original musical chord, and the Meditating
Monks on the Ramtop Mountains are listening to
the remains of that original chord that created
the Disc World of today; some claim they heard
the first sound: One, two; others claim they heard
the sound even before that – a sound so big
it cannot be contained in our universe –
then Music became personified and invaded
the World in the guise of a magical guitar in
Buddy’s hands, and in order to keep
Music With Rocks In strong, Buddy had to
die, but Death and his granddaughter Susan
came to the rescue, when Music was stopped
the universe came to a halt, only Buddy
could play a chord to set it going again…
This is brilliant material, I’ve lost contact
with reality, entranced by the beauty of this
allegory of the creation of the universe –
with Music a central theme, it gives birth to
so many beautiful thoughts…
Margaret Alice