Albert Wong - A True Poet.

2014-11-07 1

He watches world’s affairs with his heart;
He reads news deeply into his brain;
He hears speech and music into his mind;
He can write everything into a poem like.

He can write diary into poetry arts;
Everything can’t escape from his eyes;
There’s true love in his heart;
He loves peoples with full sympathy.

He loves nature more understanding than others;
He admires peoples with his true love;
He describes nature with deep feelings;
He has true love fully filled in his spirit.

His inspiration is so coming from his inner soul;
His emotion is so natural that others can’t
His love comes from his heart is so pure and true;
He doesn’t like to do things against his concise.

A poet is so friendly with his true love,
so, I like to be admired as a true poet.

Albert Wong