Tracy Rollings - Anotherday with the drunks

2014-11-07 0

As i sit hear and think, of the times gone by
I watch them drink, and i start to cry.

Suddenly i see the anger come, and there tempers start to rage
Sometimes i just wanted to die, because they are like wild animalslet out of a cage.

Don't take long before they start fussing, I run and hide but i does no good
they always find me, and i knew they would.

But i can't give up, it's all i got to keep me going
so i go in the house, and stand at attention
and i look into his eyes, i see it coming
i feel the pain.

Like a storm in the night
the tears come down, like fallen rain.

I take the beating without a fight, I sit in the darkness alone and scared
trying to figure out why no one cared.

I feel so hurt and all alone
can't understand what i keep doing wrong.

Cause all i wanted was to belong, i feel so lonely and sad
the pain they caused still hurts me bad.

All i wanted to do was to be loved, tho times have come
and times have gone
the pain they inflicted will never be known.

As i look back now and try to understand
I'm just glad I'm not that kind of a man.

Tracy Rollings