David Harris - Three Friends

2014-11-07 1

I have three friends that are feeling low today;
one is because the weather is bad
and the upheaval of a move,
making them depressed and sad.
Another who’s life is in turmoil,
being tossed by a mind full of doubt,
and the last feels the loss of love,
that almost made them
tall enough to reach the clouds.
Each holds theirs sadness dear,
looking for a sympathetic ear,
each are out of reach of my hands,
which wishes to comfort them all.
My voice is at a loss for words to console,
these three friends of mine.
If I could stretch out my arms,
far away I would be able to touch their soul,
show them that someone does care,
that in their hour of need,
a friend is here for them.
I do not need to say their names,
my friends know who they are,
they also know that if they need me,
I’m not really that far,
to listen even if I can’t be there,
for that’s what good friend are for,
to be there for them in a time of need.

David Harris


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