Ted Sheridan - The Effects Of Inhaling Second Hand Smoke While Standing Next To Someone With A Joint In Their Hand

2014-11-07 7

When I was a young boy....
I never went looking for the perfect world
Sure even back then when I was but a wee lad....
before the beginning of recorded time
there were wars and killing
murders and rapes....
but I didn't pay it any attention
My world was perfect
Sitting at my desk
I saw my reflection in a framed picture of my loving family
Turning away so as not to recognize my painful expression
I felt almost helpless to warn them of my suffering......
From the burnout of always having to be right....
or at least never letting on like I may have failed....
I walked outside.....searching perhaps
for any indication that the World wasn't such a bad place
And in a small grassy area between the two ugly buildings
which confine my thoughts to the war and politics of the day
I found perfection...
For there in that small but almost perfect quiet
was the sweet sound of birds chirping
with only an occasional Crow calling for an interruption
There were bees and ladybugs coexisting with a wasp
as for the average insect life is too short
to worry much about anything......
But what really brought it all home for me was
after a few moments of being there....free of thought
I noticed the patches of beautiful green and white clover
and yet there....scattered throughout were some Dandelions
better known as weeds.....
And that's when it hit me...The World is perfect
Even when I'm not......

2007 © T Sheridan

Ted Sheridan
