Tantalising twins
(one of them…my love)
both as alike
as alike can be.
Difficult as hell to tell
which elle is elle.
Mischievous sisters
often trying to trick me.
One entering... one leaving the room
swop tops
adopt each other’s hairstyles
the one telling the other the last thing I’ve said
(that only she could possibly have heard)
come back
sit on my lap
continue conversation
as before.
See how long it takes
before I realise
my mistake.
Only way to tell
them a(part)
One has luscious lips
but no love.
One has all love
& luscious lips.
Can tell in an instant
whose lips I’m kissing.
Until once
my lovely love
tells me
that her
than her sisters
not much
(but just enough)
to make
a difference
to be able to
tell the difference.
So, yes...I am
staring at your breasts
just to make sure that you are
the you
that’s you.
Dónall Dempsey