Scarlet ..... - I Haven't Been Killed Yet....

2014-11-07 2

curiosity killed the cat
or so they say
but I am that cat
and I have been curious all my life
but now more than ever
for I have lived my life in darkness
in pain and suffering
but I now see the light
I walk as close as I can get before it runs form me
every time I try I get closer and closer
for now I am only steps or even a pounce away
I wonder what will happen
if I take that final leap into the light
will I feel those emotions of love and happiness
will I find what so many search for
I think what is the worse that could happen
I get shoved back into the darkness
oh too bad
I have lived there all my life
so I do not fear being thrown back into it
so what do I have to lose
nothing is the answer
the only thing that has held me back
is the fear of rejection from the light
but then again I will just be sent home
into the darkness once again
so that is it here it come
I will test fate
for I have always been told to stay in the darkness
well I want to see what it is like in the light
so here I go
I will take that final leap
leap into the light
question is where will I land
in the light
or back in the darkness
only time will tell

Scarlet .....