Lilac Wine - No More No More No More Please No More

2014-11-07 6

Your words deafen me like the mermaids piercing cry
Your words burn like fire charring the remains of a vessel at sea
Your words blind me with the acrid smoke fuelled with cowardice
Your words penetrate my veins circulating with my blood like foam in the ocean
Your words suffocate me like the tentacles of the octopus
Entangling and tightening around my heart
Your words pull apart tearing me limb from limb from limb
Leaving me totally helpless
Your words push me further and further away deep within me
Making me drift and curl into the foetal form
Your words drown me in a sea of pain and despair
The more I fight you the deeper I drown
I try to reach the surface but I do not see it
Your words have been cast so deep inside me
They are all I hear feel and see
All that’s left is for you now is to throw me overboard
For your words are heavy burdens and weigh me down
Let your words be cast overboard along with me
And then and only then I will be able to swim free
For then your words no more would touch me
No more No more No more
Please No more

Lilac Wine