The evening light filters through the dappled leaves
as sunset brings a restful gentle breeze
and softly sways the branches with such ease
as melting wispy cotton coloured clouds
drift over trees’ leafy covered crowns.
A thousand leaves whisper as they play
on the gentle gusting gusts of an ending day
and as they whisper in a hush they quietly say
we are all so very different in shape and hue
but all the same in our respect of You.
On the ground a lowly buttercup, yellow glows
and in its glowing gladly golden grows
surviving mowing and our feet, the balls we throw
proudly it announces that, the sun it knows
and absorbing all the goodness from the earth below
Your splendour in abundance it surely shows.
The evening sun is setting, dusk descends
the golden buttercup below
and sun lit dappled leaves above
tell me all I need to know, about Your love.
David Taylor