Tracy Rollings - The Wish(child abuse)

2014-11-07 3

I asked one day, if there was time, could we go fishing
threw you hand on your hip and said just keep on wishing.

Said your soaps were on and that it couldn't be missed
I started to cry, till I saw you balling up your fist.

So I turned to walk away and you yelled, come here to me
I stopped and turned around, as you counted to three.

I didn't mean to upset you, just wanted to go play
but you had other ideals and with that I shall pay.

Said you was very busy, no time for you to be free
in order to watch your soaps, you chained me to a tree.

Unlike a chained dog, he have plenty of room to run
with the chains around me, I guess you thought it was fun.

Now you had no worries, with the T V all to yourself
but ignored my cries for help, like you were deaf.

The pain you gave, with every lick from that belt
still lingering through my mind and can still be felt.

Such a heavy price to pay, for a kid to be free
all the pain from the beating, they still haunt me.

But I can never understand, the evil in you
I became more honest, faithful and true.

I didn't beat my kids, like the times when you drink
cause I learned to be better, by stopping to think.

I didn't want my kids, to have to feel all that pain
so I sit them down one day and tried to explain.

That a child needs to be punished, for the wrong that they do
but I promise you now, to never abuse, are beat on you.

Tracy Rollings