Susan Ash - Becoming The Enemy

2014-11-07 3

I wrote him a poem to tell him
How our love felt easy and free,
I wrote about how good it felt
Being allowed to just be me.

Best friends, lovers, soul mates,
The first one he could trust.
The future seemed so promising,
At last life seemed to be just.

He called me his hidden treasure,
The longed for love of his life,
My beautiful smile, my shoulders,
He had to make me his wife.

He wanted to give me everything
My simple heart desired,
Lie next to me forever,
To keep our passion alive.

Wasn’t long before he forgot all
The good things he said he had found,
He saw in me every person that
In his life had put him down.

I became the enemy,
His eyes would fill with hate.
He no longer saw me for who I am,
And now it is too late.

So I seek assurance from others
That I am still the person I am,
Still the person he fell in love with .....
Though he is no longer that man.

Susan Ash