Geoff Warden - A Mothers Day Message!

2014-11-07 3

Findings make it hard of recolection
Of that day you placed my first breath
Giving a name of differance and absolution
Placing the wish of your heart upon me
A mothers love for her newly born
And the want of him to differentiate
To learn of growth
From the cruelty
And of hardships
And yet never to close of his hert
To count the stars as well as stones
The happiness of heart make his own
An' to always take of his part...

Now some many years of passing
And your journey long ended
Taking you home to be with family
And your betrothed now assended
As the approch of latter years
Has Thine wish been fullfilled?
Has Thine purpose found gain?
All from a simple name?
An' thy wish of a mothers heart
Answers unseen an' unknown
Being the dream of planted seed
Have I captured the love of thine need?

Geoff Warden