Ted Sheridan - My Apologies To Any Innocent Jackasses I May Offend

2014-11-07 2

Every time someone opens his or her mouth...
and makes a stupid aspersion or racial slur....
Here come these two morons out from the closet
in the pretense of rescuing the 'Offended'
The Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson
are two of the biggest race baiting activist asses....
Who will exploit one people at the detriment of all people
shamelessly and irresponsibly promoting themselves....
as Healers......and Peacemakers....It's good to be King....
and they're no Martin Luther King
Will people never learn that 'equality'
is a matter of perception....and not conjecture?
A man can never be free until he frees himself of himself....
Welfare of any kind is a tool of the 'MAN' to keep you dependent!

2007 © Ted Sheridan

Ted Sheridan


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