Loreal Torn Heart - Torn Between Love and Pain

2014-11-07 2

God knows I love you so much and I don't want to leave your side
But you hurt me and you hurt me bad
You lie and you said you didn't do what was done
But I have only been with you and you only

You stole my virginity from me
You were the first at that
But you were the first to give me what I didn't want
And what I never had

I don't understand
Knowing you all my life
First my friend then my lover
And I'm torn in between love and pain

I'm so deeply in love with you
But I'm hurt because you broke my heart
I don't even know what love is because what we had I thought was love
I guess I was wrong

I still want to be with you
And you still want to be with me
But how can I when I see you as a different person
I don't know but I hope love over rules the pain that I feel in my heart

Loreal Torn Heart
