With the ever sailings of sejournal seas,
I am lost yet found in bewilderment,
of continual peeks and down-side slides,
an' the endless fill of hungers contentment,
be it a restless soul vs. a torrid sea,
or the mirrorin' vision of lifes' journey,
each crest of wave compares newness of day
facing the challanges of each rise of wave.....
The sejournal sea is never easy to navigate,
more like the forwardness of an uncharted quest,
destined by hands of fate unto personal creation,
and the finate lands of ones own selfness,
Be true to the journey as a lighthouse safe,
ever partaking of each peek, each valley, each wave,
and of each storm, let the Thunder clap an' roll,
as lightning strikes, your guidance of light scrolls,
embrace the fall of the unseen mystic rains,
for its' mystic spells holds treasures of gain,
as the liken companion of boat unto oar,
may the ride of sejourn seas bring you to its' shores.......
Geoff Warden