Margaret Alice - Feelings: Magical Incantation, Lively Imagination

2014-11-07 2

Lovely advice from the self-help book:
try something new which scares you –
willing as always to believe a guru
I tried something that made me blue

in the face with fear – guess what,
instead of feeling stronger I was
more scared than ever before.
I cannot recommend such advice -

When wading through dark, scary
places the fear did not go away…
Do something new, ha! - I got up
and opened my mouth to sing but

for fear was breathless – so much
so not a sound came from my mouth -
Thank you, but no thank you
I’ll stick to things I CAN do and

leave “growth” to those who write
these hopeless self-help books – give
me a magical incantation, a safe room
a lively imagination, and leave me alone.

Let others broaden their horizons
I’ll stay right here – though they say
risk taking is the way to realise your
heart’s desire, I mostly want to dream

my safest bet is to read and muse,
leaving derring-do to the elite!

Margaret Alice