Theodora (Theo) Onken - ~April Fool~

2014-11-07 10

April flipped herself in
Like a brand new paragraph
For i'd left off in March
And winter 'twas still the subject matter

The frost all but got me
Hypothermia of feelings
Once felt
Like coming into a heated June
My feelings they began to melt

But April flipped me in
Much like an April Fool
Vunerable and needy
Forgetful of what i had
Learned in school

And so another paragraph
Was formed
Along with the rain you did bring
Remind me-Mother Earth-
If you will
That not all flowers bloom
In the Spring

Aware that the showers
Are supposed to bring
Some Flowers that bloom in May
But ne'er prepared for
Story-tellers with eloquent words
That ne'er mean what they say

The flowers that later bloom
With brillance-aroma and Light
Take out the chill and hold on me still
During a most troubling dark of night

Theodora (Theo) Onken