the highs and lows of life
I’ve lived all of my life at the lowest of my lows
because I was scared of the fall
the fall from the high back to the low
because everything that goes up must come down
so I’ve lived in fear of that fall
so I just stayed in the lows
so I would never feel that fall
but now you've given me a taste of a high
and now I want the high
I still fear the fall
but I realize now that the high can be worth the fall
so now I will enjoy the high
for as long as it last
for I wish that this high would never end
for I love this high
but if it does end
I will survive
I will make it through the fall
I will make it through
and I will make it back up to a new high
for you have shown me that I can climb
I can climb up to a high
Scarlet .....