The influence of video games is immense.
Many are designed for escalating defense.
With a goal in mind to win at all expense.
Plan to outwit and subdue with an offense.
Video games are brain cell consuming…
Action games of conflicts with booming…
Never without a threat constantly looming.
Pause with a deep breath before resuming.
Another choice could be one of racing cars.
Choose the best with the maximum powers.
Considering that you’re not racing dinosaurs.
Try to finish despite crashing and getting scars.
A game of chess seems pleasant and not cruel.
Play against the computer, he knows every rule.
Your king is under attack and receiving ridicule.
The devoted pawns seem to have run out of fuel.
Now if God designed video games for instruction.
He would teach you how to avoid destruction.
His commandments detour the devil’s abduction.
With wisdom, faith will not succumb to reduction.
Theresa Ann Moore