Chelsea Hansford - Seasons in Love

2014-11-07 1

When I first met you,
Your love was like a Summers day,
Surrounding me in warmth,
Giving new life to my world,
Teasing my senses with gifts,
Of everlasting paradise.

Then time passed by,
And our love became Spring,
Still finding new things to learn,
Still fresh and green,
With the excitement of,
The enchanted unknown.

The years came and went,
Our love became like autumn,
Still warm with desire,
But yet slowly fading into a more,
Comfortable companionship,
That real trust brings.

Then it was over,
And my heartache was Winter,
So cold and isolated,
Tears like crystal iscicles,
Wishing to feel the heat again,
Of your Summers love.

Chelsea Hansford