Evolutions a theory so stunningly grand, that has altered the way we think about life
Within the oceans, in the air and on land, its countless results are wonderfully rife
The process revealed is so staggeringly slow, when viewed in terms of human years
Many millennia till progress will show, while civilisations disappear
Genetic mutation the developing key, with natural selection screening for flaws
Everything linked homologically, promoting success to develop some more
For billions of years life has evolved, from abiogenesis in primordial sea
To stand here now with questions resolved, to comprehend life’s rich tapestry
We often forget we are links in a chain, a prototypical natural design
With minor adjustments to DNA strain, our mark is left in our hereditary line
The purpose of life is not understood, to develop and grow seems a prerequisite
Without aberration we never could, contemplate life and the beauty of it
Doom and Gloom