Mystical Morning Song came whispering
It's melodious rhythmic sounds
For the spring time lays in the Garden's
Of lovers floral bouquet abed in the ground
Waiting for your happiness in your love to grow
You continue to wonder in absolute awe
While prolonging whispers of lover's musical breeze
That embraces The Spring and welcomes Winter's thaw
The warmth of the sun rays come in loves burning
Filling all nature and you with serene
Allowing all new Spring buds of love to open
Tantalizing aroma's of new memories to be made
Come the Mystical Morning Song Spring
Dedicated to: Jeri, Aka, Morning Song
With love
A Morning song is an Aubade
Or the regret of lovers that Dawn
Has come too soon
il n'est mie jors,
Saverose au corps gent
Si me consent Dieus
L'aloete nos ment
It is not daylight
O sweet one with the gentle body
So God help me
The Lark lies to us
(-Provencal, twelfth or Thirteenth Century)
Theodora (Theo) Onken