Hand and hand we walk in silence
no words need pass our lips
Feeling content and alive...
we are taken aback by Gods gifts.
A fresh cool breeze whips round us
inflating our light jackets to capacity
they rise and fall against our beings
making us appear thick and then thin.
Lost in the moment I cuddle closer
placing my head under your arm
we wander on a palette of red and gold
as leaves blow and circle our feet.
I stop and turn towards you
so I can kiss your soft sweet lips
now reduced to a puddle...
I am found pooled beneath your feet.
In this moment nothing else exists
as we gaze into each others eyes
not taking notice of the clouds forming
or the calming sound of foliage rustling.
Birds flit through over hanging branches
scantily clad with leaves waiting to be released;
from summer days not long past...
touched by natures beauty-we embrace.
Shelley L Baxter