vincent armone - A battered women strikes back

2014-11-07 2

She watches him sleep
not a care in the world
her lips still bleeding
her eyes slowly closeing
she waits plotting

what set him off this time
god what is he thinking
am i that bad
is this my fault the horrible wife
its him i know that know
so she waits plotting

He awakens to her
standing like a broken statue
and a smile creases his face
learned you have buy the way you stand
for I am master you do what i command

You are wrong for I have been plotting my revenge
only to relize even if i kill you the hurt for me will never end
So i did the right thing
swallowed all the pills in the house

live with that I hope you can
because my pain is over
and yours will never end.

The smile no longer on his face as his wife passes out and dies
right there on the bedroom floor.

suddenly he thinks what have i done
as he reaches in the dresser draw and pulls out his gun
with the barrel he points it in his mouth
pulls the trigger and blows his brains out

His wife them stands and says
thank you
forgiving me am easy way out
I always knew you loved me
and it took you killing yourself to finally figure it out

vincent armone

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