Patricia Gale - Pearls of a Time Past

2014-11-07 0

We sat and watched the May fire burn
red and golden embers dancing
Stars shinning like diamonds suspended from the heavens
your eyes reflecting the shimmering lights

The kiss that felt like I was standing in the mist of fire
the heat roaring from within our hearts
The moment where time stood still
and the goddess of love sang my soul a lullaby

The forest seemed to whisper
Come and lie beneath my children
See the magic that comes from under their branches
Feel the breeze caress your being

The essence of the spring captivated our senses
Wondering into the forest as lead by the calling
I became the honeysuckle, you the ivy
Forever entwined forever and ever

We return every year but the druids chant is long gone
And the fires burn no more
Only the essence of our joining remain
Alas we are the pearls of a time past

Patricia Gale