Scarlet ..... - font color='880000'A Suicide Note

2014-11-07 2

Dear officer

For you’ll be the only one who might care
probably just because you got stuck with the paper work
Sorry about that.
Well what should I say?
They sure don’t teach you how to write a suicide note in school, now do they?
I’d say I’m sorry,
but I’m not.
I would like to ask you but one favor,
if that is all right.
Can you ask her (my mother) if she knew I was depressed:
If she says yes ask her why she didn’t do anything.
If she says no that ask her how she didn’t notice my last 5 suicide attempts,
its pretty hard to miss stuff like that.
I’ve been suicidal since grade 6 or 7.

Thank you for your time, officer.
Once again sorry about the paper work.

Scarlet .....