some dork behind me in traffic this morning
honked his horn several times in frustration
holding that sour note when he should have been
taking deep breaths and trying to relax....
a few minutes later he laid his hand on the horn
and wouldn't let up for a good minute and a half
until he gave it a break to flip me the middle finger
where did he think I could go?
he then got out of his car
and advancing towards me while waving both hands
frantically in the air as if he was intending to fly
he shouted for me engage in gay sex
and then walking back to his vehicle
he kicked the rear tire of my car
I'm sure he didn't want to buy it....
guys like him used to be the exception
instead of the rule
now days things aren't like they were back then
when people treated others with respect
and a little more consideration
things have certainly changed a lot since then
now I carry a gun and know how to use it......
2007 © Ted Sheridan
Ted Sheridan