Ted Sheridan - The Reason I Drink......Is To Remember

2014-11-07 2

I think you are one in a million
and by my standards that may be one too many.....
but what the hell.....
there are only a few things in life worth living for
and even less than a few worth dying for
so welcome to my f'n Purgatory......
we find these people and things in our lives
and seldom recall how or where we found them
most of the time we stumbled on them
some we may even have tripped over
on our way up or down the ladder of life
other times we obsessively sought them out
they were to die for or so we thought
until actually faced with the choice
of living with or dying without
most of it turns out to be crap in the end
most people eventually betray you
or fall out of love with you
people aren't like whiskey....always there when you need a drink
people are more like limp d^cks
but not you.....you have always professed to love me
and by my standards
that means you are one in a million
but what the hell
welcome to my f'n Purgatory......

2007 © Ted Sheridan

Ted Sheridan
