s./j. goldner - Sonic Wind or Ocean's Immunity: Villanelle

2014-11-07 0

A sonic wind is rubbing elbows.
I erect paper boats by the shore.
The undulating, ululating of tidal highs, lows

Channel sound behind my drum rows:
—coral pastures, algae forests, seaweed meadowed floors.
A sonic wind is rubbing elbows.

Knotted metallic nuzzle of a hose:
June sprinkling shower, from a roadside convenient store.
The undulating, ululating of tidal highs, lows

Pivot systematically beside beach sidewalk toes.
Crank cavity plates: covet a bleeding vast core—
A sonic wind is rubbing elbows.

Gracious sky stretches to calm maritime woes;
Blowing daint as whispers above mystic pores:
The undulating, ululating of tidal highs, lows.

So it goes,
Shifting, swelling current: insurmountable roar.
A sonic wind is rubbing elbows.
The undulating, ululating of tidal highs, lows.

s./j. goldner
