Prionsías Ó Canáin - Loco Motion

2014-11-07 0

Have you ever sat on an unhurried train
And watched smile, after corkscrew smile
Painted thin on a puffy faced sky.

I have.
They put telephone cables underground now.
And call it progress.

Have you ever click clacked o’er viaducted valley
Whilst eyelined below, makers of methane
Freckle furiously on the skin of green.

I have.
But they rear cattle in sheds these days.
And call it progress.

Have you ever hugged the cosseting hill
With, in distant wollen view, bleating dandruff speck
Dawn tanned mountain scarps.

I have.
They plant land envenoming trees there now.
And call it progress.

Have you ever?
You have not!

Then scurry.
For progress only goes one way.
One loco motion
A cul de sac of traversed track
Routes singularly tentacular forward,
Never back.

Prionsías Ó Canáin