Alison Smith - The Force To Reconcile

2014-11-07 2

Hello my darlings
Its time we sat for a chat
Its been such a long time
Since I looked at you
Why how you shine!

You took with you so much of me
When you walked away
I have lived, though barely
All I wanted was to share
But you went away

You may not wish to explain
Why you could not stay
Or why you took part of me
When you went away
Everyday I wish you stayed.

This year I took a deeper look
At what you mean to me
And now I am ready to receive
What you took from me
Thank you for holding it for me

Well my darlings its time I went
But never will we be strangers
For you are always part of me
And I will show you both
That we are the force to reconcile.

Alison Smith