Esther Leclerc - ~ Windstorm

2014-11-07 0

it won't come easy
sleep flees this night
something better demands
commands me
to take this flight...

in perfect repose
eyes closed
I let it in...

bass tones 'gainst my ear
persuasive, percussive
I hear what I want to hear
booms and crashes,
rough moves soothe
working my senses
creating sweet tension

accepting, embracing
an insinuating
masculine presence
brooks no resistance

desiring, taking like a King
his treasure, a feast, his Queen
accustomed to rule by force
his pleasure to take, to give
to wake, to live

speaking his will
making it true
making me want more
and so, I'll bow to him
bend to his will, I will
for need of this voice
this force

overcome, come, come in
I will listen...


Esther Leclerc