Dee Daffodil - Blowing in the Wind

2014-11-07 19

If a sit still long enough
And focus...really focus
I begin to shrink
In size...until I'm tiny...tiny...tiny...

If I really focus hard enough
My layers are stripped away
To the core of my existance
That will never ever fade

If I really focus hard enough
I can actually disappear
Into the void of nothingness
Of which I have no fear

For once this moment comes for me
I will be free once again
To blow upon the wind
Wherever I may choose

I will travel to far off places
I will watch my loved ones grow
I will linger when and where I choose
An no one...will ever know...

Dee Daffodil (HW) 17 February,2007

Dee Daffodil

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