Clouds cover dreams
Clouds drip tears
Clouds cover the beauty within
Elusive sun to my friend
Suddenly i understood so much
Ling Siew, suddenly I knew
Her clouds cover her dreams
Her clouds drip tears
The wind sings and she turns her ear
But does not hear
The beaches waves cascade in joy
She is aloof and not their toy
She revolts against the hidden sun
Her soul trapped in ether undone
Her titanium bright smile gives me peace
While clouds continue to make rain
Steadily beating down on her soul once again
She revolts against a hollow sun
She is undone
Has she ever smelled Honeysuckle?
Has she seen a wheat field?
She matches them with her smile.
God's beauty all the while.
Exquisite beauty within a prosaic day
Eludes my friend as she suffers it away
Trustingly her pain is revealed
Suddenly exposed and shared
A monumental task to have dared
As siamese twins share a conjoined heart
Never again to be completely apart
The wind sings she turns her ear,
But she does not hear.
The clouds drip tears
The clouds cover her dreams
The smile is not quite as it seems
The clouds drip tears
The clouds cover her dreams
The smile, the titanium smile
Not quite as it seems
The clouds cover her dreams
Beau Golden 2-2007