2014-11-07 17

Some women are good
Some women are bad
Some women are sluts
But they've all been had
A good hearted woman is hard to find
Most women just wanna show their behind
Other like going out on dates
Then others Don't cause it's men they hate
Some prefer the same sex which to me is kinda kinky.
Then their are good ones that just wanna play with Mr. Winky.
Some have employment the require swinging are poles
then some have religious cultures that require saved souls.
Their are women who enjoy being moms and then their are ones
that like standing around shaking their poms poms.
Theres women that like being the head of the house with jobs
then theres women that like working for theirself just slobbing knobs.
Theres women that are down right gorgeous and irresistable
Then theres women that are ugly as sin and could get a date with a pistol.
Some women are nymphos and love to have sex all the time and thers women
that are so ugly, Agrrivating and annoying that they can't get it any of the time.
Some women like to be waited on hand and foot then theres women that
have to be waited on cause they don't have a hand nor a foot.
Others are just independent cause they believe anything a man can do
A woman can do 10 times better and that might be true but all in all Honey
when my backs against the wall and the chips are down and push comes to shove
The last words I have to say about women are to the point and very few HONEY I LOVE YOU

James (Bluesman)Cooper
