A.M. Belsey - She Cries In the Night

2014-11-07 4

She wished she could smile,
And laugh with glee,
But they stole it all away.
So she cries every night,
In hopes the pain will let her be.

She would like to re-write it,
The chapters they stole,
But it’s just the same old tears,
She cries in the night,
That no one cares to hear.

Alone and deserted,
She sits in her bed,
As tears soak her pillow,
She wonders how long,
The nightmare will continue this time.

Trying to remember what happiness is,
She looks through the daze,
That use to be her life.
But all she can remember,
Is what they stole from her.

Her life as she knew it,
Was stolen from her,
Her pride and her respect,
Stolen by the family and friends,
That didn’t come to her aid.

Betrayed by the world,
She now locks herself inside,
Out of sight from the world,
Hoping life will pass her by,
As fast as it can.

A.M. Belsey
