A.M. Belsey - Alone

2014-11-07 7

There was a lady who sat alone,
Reminents of past smiles still remain in her face,
The sadness that lay over her was very plain to see,
She cried and sobbed for hours on end,
“They have taken it all”, she cried even louder,
“How could they do this to me? ”

She separated herself from the world as we know it,
Only leaving her safe haven when needing supplies.
She stopped having friends and talking to neighbors,
She hid in her own little world.
Her family betrayed her and locked her away,
She’s never recovered and lives in her locked up world.

The noble man that came to her aid, did a 180 instead
Not believing a word that she said.
She looked in his eyes and saw his concern.
He admitted her in, saying it’s for your own good,
She trusted this man, so she went along,
Hoping that he would let her explain.

The poor lady waited and waited,
Wondering what had gone on,
Why did noble man betrayed her so much,
She asked, “Oh my gawd, have I’ve done something wrong? ”
But he just walked away and left her alone,
The world felt like it was coming to an end.

A.M. Belsey
