Lets end this life b'for it's start...
Why begin to a journey filled with a long days of disheartened of part.
Pain and anguish is all he or she shall ever see...
Why bring them to a birth of unpleasured be?
Pro abortionist's are what facts we should push to all of the people of earth...
We cannot stand for an unexscused birth.
For we are selfish women who believe that we have the only voice...
Our stupid bodies are for us only and our self abusive unwanted uncaring of choice.
We have the only say in the choice of death and life...
Not even if we are legally married or an unmarried illegal live-in wife.
Women's selfish thoughts and words is what should only count...
Why should we women be held responsible for and to others to have to be held account?
These bodies are of only the property of women it's said...
They don't care who should live or even be dead!
After all-it was not Adam who continued the earth...
It was Eve who had the choice to give help to birth.
It was Eve that convinced Adam to eat of the tree's forbidden fruite...
Even today these women are continuelly making constant mistakes-
Aren't these women a prime example of stupidity and the most selfish ones-Aren't they the proverbial God like deciding beaute?
Michael Gale