astaldo ELVEN - # Sleepwalking Through My Life

2014-11-07 5

I just feel like I'm sleepwalking
Sleepwalking through my life
I don't know what I'm doing
I just cry and cry and cry.

I saw your grave, and I
Felt like committing suicide
You're just as young as me
Just nearing fourteen!

The note you left behind
In it was no sign of remorse
No sign of regrets, nor reluctance
It seemed as if you were really happy to leave.

Good for you now, isn't it?
Relieved of all the heartpains
Free from all the troubles of life
Exempted from nasty feelings.

If it wasn't for my strong will
For the care I'd been showered all along
I'd probably end up like you
Gone from this world, never to return.

But still I cry and cry and cry
Confused, not knowing what to do
Waiting for someone to convince
And tell me what my next step should be.

astaldo ELVEN