Alison Smith - Swedish Massage

2014-11-07 94

The connotation of a name
Guess no one could take blame
For what you think when you see it
A massage must be OH so special
To gain the name of Swedish...

But its all in the name you see
Invented by a Swedish man..
So simple yet we all thought different
Didn't we...

To make things even more complicated
The terms that are used are French
And the basics came from the Chinese
So a name is not as it seems...

Now learning this tecnique is quite simple
The basics for all the other types.
First you start with a light effleurage
Thats to apply the oil

The a stronger effleurage to warm up
Now well do a some petrissage
Now thats really kneading
Then its time to do some work

Frictions are next they are the ones to
Unknot the muscles and send your circluation
Flowing like it should
Feeling relaxed now?

Tapotement next that gets things moving
A little like a karate chop,
or maybe I'll use my fists, gently though....
No need to send you muscles into overdrive

Then effluerage to calm it down...
Sometimes your asleep by now...
Taking bookings
Just give me a call

Alison Smith