poetry is nature
dancing with mind
a verse would sprint out
like the most colourful bird
from a bush completely unexpected
throwing a feast to our eyes
we cannot but oblige with
another verse getting deep
into ourselves for a riveting repartee
to complete the challenge thrown at us
like a flower, the poem blooms
out of our faintest expectation
nature might throw another verse
to carry us through its evolution game
the blossoming of the mind
this goes on and on until nature
derives the stamp of a mind
working towards its plan
a poem is nature flowering in words
poetry is nature
dancing with mind
a verse would sprint out like
the most colourful bird
completely unexpected
we cannot but oblige
with another verse getting
into ourselves for a
riveting repartee to complete
the challenge thrown at us
out of our faintest expectation
nature might throw another verse
like a flower, the poem blooms
this goes on and on until nature
derives the stamp of a mind
working towards its plan
a poem is nature flowering in words
john tiong chunghoo