Alan Summers - Cat linked haiku

2014-11-07 5

restaurant el pescado
the smoky cat’s
four white gloves

the grimace
of the roadside cat
its last

front garden
mottled in shade
a tortoiseshell cat

origami frog
she flips it across
the book on cats

open window
the cat dozes
half in half out

the white cat in deep shade
curls deeper in

click onto Area 17 for useful links to haiku sites around the world including Japan
http: //

'restaurant el pescado'
(Blithe Spirit, magazine of the British Haiku Society, June 2004)

'the grimace'
(The New Haiku anthology, Snapshot Press,2002, ISBN 1-903543-03-7)
(Presence #5, ISSN 1366-5367 U.K. haiku magazine, September 1997)

'front garden'
(Presence # 2 May 1996 ISSN 1366-5367 U.K. haiku magazine)

'origami frog'
('Haiku Friends' ed. Masaharu Hirata, Osaka, Japan 2003)

'open window'
(Raku Teapot: Haiku Book/CD 2003
Raku Teapot Press/White Owl Publishing, California
Book: 1-891691-03-1; CD: 1-891691-04-X)
(Snapshot Press Haiku Calendar 2002 ISBN 1-903543-05-3)
('Iron Book of British Haiku'  Iron Press; ISBN: 0906228670 1998,3rd print 2000)
(Presence #3, ISSN 1366-5367 U.K. haiku magazine  November 1996)
(Woodpecker, Holland, ISSN 1384-6094, October 1997)

'front garden'
(Presence #2 ISSN 1366-5367 U.K. haiku magazine May 1996)

(Jack Stamm Haiku Award 1999 'Commended')
('in a heron’s eye' anthology ISBN 0 9577925 0 6 pub. Paper Wasp, Australia)

Alan Summers