Simple Simon - J20 Jesus Walks on Water

2014-11-07 18

After the people went away,
Jesus chose another way,
With his disciples to cross
The lake and go across.

He climbed up a hill to stay,
And alone went there to pray.
By evening, for him to go back,
No boat was ready in the lake.

The waves tossed the boat.
The wind blew against it.
Early in the next morning,
On water, Jesus was walking

The disciples were afraid.
“It’s a ghost, ” they said.
“It’s I, Don’t be afraid, ”
Like this, Jesus replied.

Peter then spoke, “Lord,
Let me walk to your side,
On the water, if it’s you,
And what I see is true.”

“Come, ” this one word
Jesus blessed and said.
It was a surprise to Peter,
When he walked on water.

But the force of the wind,
Caused a fear in his mind,
That upset his balance
And he faced a crisis.

“Save me Lord, ” he cried.
To float on water he tried.
At once, Jesus pulled Peter
And saved him from water.

“Why did you doubt me?
Have you no faith on me? ”
Jesus smiled and said
His mistake, Peter realized.

The wind also died down
When they both stepped in
A boat that carried them
Without any more problem.

“Truly you’re Son of God, ”
Thus the disciples praised,
Thereafter they all realized,
Jesus was sent by the Lord.

Simple Simon