Simple Simon - J14 Jesus, the Healer

2014-11-07 7

Not one incident, but several,
Brought the ailing people,
To Jesus, the miracle Healer,
Who came as their Savior.

A man had skin disease,
That bothered him for years.
Jesus just touched him.
Normal, his skin became.

Once an appeal fervent,
About his sick servant,
A Roman Officer made.
The sick man was cured.

Peter's sick mother-in-law,
In her house, Jesus saw.
When Jesus ordered,
The fever disappeared.

A paralyzed man came.
Normal, he became,
When Jesus told him,
'Get up and go home.'

'Why not take pity on us?
For, we believe you, Jesus, '
When two blind men said,
By a touch, their sight, he restored.

Possessed by a demon,
There came a dumb man.
When Jesus drove it out,
He spoke on the spot.

A woman, who was sick,
One day, touched his cloak.
At once, she became well.
Under his divine spell.

Once, a storm blew out,
When Jesus got into a boat,
But he ordered the storm
To stop, and it went calm.

Some enemies of Jesus,
None other than Pharisees,
Were feeling more jealous
Of all his actions, miraculous.

'He is not a God's son,
But possessed by a demon,
That gives him this power, '
They told people, however

Simple Simon