In my mind there is a vault.
Within the vault holds,
The puzzle pieces of my past.
I must find the key,
That opens the vault,
To unlock the secrets of my past.
One by one I remove the puzzle pieces.
Each one holds a special meaning.
I hold each piece in my hands,
Allowing them take me back,
To my forgotten past.
The memories are not pleasant.
Each piece holds me captive,
As I re-live the past that it holds inside.
Finally the puzzle piece releases me,
And then I must find the place where
The puzzle piece belongs within my life.
I must do this again and again.
I take hold of each of the puzzle pieces,
And drift back to the time which,
I rather not remember.
One by one the puzzle pieces,
Are placed with the puzzle,
To reveal the answers of my forgotten past.
Finally, I remove the last piece from the vault,
And I place it within the puzzle.
I open my eyes to see the picture,
Only to realize that there are still missing pieces.
Anger and frustration fill my mind,
To come so close but yet so far away.
I need the answers that my past holds.
Finally, the anger and frustration fade,
And I know what I must do.
I must travel back into my mind,
To find the vault that holds,
The missing puzzle pieces of my past.
A.M. Belsey